Corporate Governance Policy
The Board of Directors adhere the principles of good corporate governance of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Stock Exchange of Thailand, (SET) to manage and develop the company following the Good Corporate Governance for sustainable future and growth. Not only the principles gains trust to the company from shareholders, investors and all stakeholders, but also advance the company’s operations and competitive capabilities and sustainable growth.
Also, the Company adhere the importance of shareholders rights and responsibilities to shareholders and stakeholders of the Company continuing Equitable Treatment of Shareholders, Information Disclosure and Transparency Including the Board of Directors being aware of the responsibility for duty and compliance with the principles of good corporate governance in order to increase confidence for shareholders, investors and all parties resulted in the Board of Directors passed a resolution approving and enforcing the corporate governance policy, which covers the main principles e.g. the structure, roles, duties and responsibilities of the Board of Directors along with the management principles of the clean and clear management policy and shall be examined by applying the principles and practices in accordance with the principles of good corporate governance for listed companies 2017 of the Securities and Exchange Commission as a guideline for managing and organizing for the best interests of all shareholders and stakeholders. The essence of the policy can be divided as follows.
Corporate Governance Policy
Corporate Policy and Documents
Articles of Association
Code of Conduct
Authority and Responsibilities of the Board of Directors
Environmental Social and Governance Policy (ESG)
Greenhouse Gas Management Policy
Climate Change Management Program
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
Human Rights Policy
Human Rights Risk Assessment
Non-infringement of Intellectual Property Policy
Disclosure Information Policy
Information Technology Security Policy
IT Security Policy
Anti-corruption Policy
Anti-corruption and Whistle Blowing Policy
Conflict of Interest Prevention Policy
Supervision and Management of Subsidiaries Operating Core Businesses Policy
Connected Transaction Policy
Dividend Policy
Policy for Remuneration of Directors and Managment
Human Resource Management and Development

Anti-corruption Principle
The Company attaches great importance to anti-corruption, the Company provides an internal control system to prevent any fraud and corruption with the Company's regulations establishing operational procedures. The authorized person for authorizing the payment and the amount responsible must comply with the Company's regulations which must have clear documentary evidences and also provide training for employees to know about the anti-corruption policy and practice and encourage employees to have honesty in performing their duties and responsibilities.
Anti-corruption Principle
Whistleblowing Channel
On this matter, the company provides Complaints and Suggestions Channels here.
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