2020 Shareholders Meeting
There were 2 Shareholders’ meetings in 2020 as follows:
1. The 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on April 29, 2020, there were shareholders attending the meeting in person and shareholders attending the meeting by proxy totaling 483 shareholders or equivalent to 72.9871% of the total issued shares of the Company.
For the 2020 shareholders meeting, the Company announced the criteria for proposing the agenda of the shareholders meeting in advance of the meeting, the right to nominate persons to be elected as the Companys directors, the right to send questions to the meeting in advance of the meeting via the Companys website from December 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019, there was not any shareholder proposing a meeting agenda or submitting questions to the meeting in advance, and none of shareholders nominating any person to take a position as the Companys director.
2. The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2563 held on December 24, 2020, there were shareholders attending the meeting in person and shareholders attending the meeting by proxy totaling 717 shareholders or equivalent to 87.9017% of the total issued shares of the company.
Both meetings were held at Integrity Meeting Room, Floor 6, Punnipa Building 1, TQM Corporation Public Company Limited, No. 123 Ladplakao Road, Chorakhe Bua, Lat Phrao, Bangkok. In the said meetings, all directors of the Company attended the meeting 100% along with executives, auditors and legal advisors. The meetings proceeded according to the agenda without switching or adding. The chairman of the meeting provided opportunities for shareholders to ask questions and express opinions on each agenda freely.