2020 Fair labor treatment and employees care
The Company believes that human resources are the most important factor in business operations to create value and return for the business as the operations in the Company requires knowledge, abilities, as well as dedication, both physical and emotional energy, to achieve goals. Therefore, the Company has established guidelines for treating employees, the management is expected to treat employees fairly without prejudice, support in building capacity for advancement and increasing the efficiency of employees work, also encourages employees to understand of the code of conduct that employees must follow and not violate. The Company provides appropriate welfare for employees, and treat employees with honesty by listening to reasonable opinions and suggestions, and providing reasonable and fair compensation according to their knowledge, abilities, as well as roles and responsibilities and the performance. In addition, the Company provides employees with good and competitive welfare at the same level as leading international organizations, such as provident funds, savings cooperatives, loan welfare, scholarships for employees and children. There are also employee relations activities at various times to build morale and happiness in continuing to work with the Company. In addition, the emphasis on labor relations has been continued in the form of a welfare committee in the workplace. In 2020, the Company aimed to improve the quality of life of employees. The employee satisfaction survey (Employee Satisfaction Survey: ESS) found that the average 85% satisfaction rating score. The Company has set an employee satisfaction target of at least 80%, the subject that employees rated the most in terms of pride in working with the Company, rated for 60% of the employees who responded to the assessment. From the aforementioned results, employees are proud of the Company. It was delighted that people talking of the Company in a positive way. As a result, employees jointly create awareness and maintain a good image of the Company and for the least satisfaction survey results was “Opportunities and Progress”, the Human Resources Division then analyzes the various causes that may affect employees in the said satisfaction and consider creating a project Career Path in the year 2021 to allow employees in the Company to develop skills and abilities and see the progress of their careers as well as giving rice and flu vaccination to employees across the country due to the COVID-19 crisis affecting the livelihoods of Thai people across the country with concern for employees, therefore, the Company issued an urgent policy from the management to deliver rice to TQM employees nationwide and take care of the health of employees, thus providing 5 strains of influenza vaccination to TQM including welfare arrangements for exercise facilities at the Royal Thai Army Department and badminton court at Sena Center for employees to play and stay healthy. Therefore, the Company has a 3.28% drop in sick leave rate or 407 days decreased compared to the number of sick leave in 2019 as of 12,414 sick leave days and 2020 totaling sick leave 12,007 days.