Mr. Chinapat Visuttipat

Mr. Chinapat Visuttipat

  • Independent Director
  • Member of Nomination and Remuneration Committee
  • Member of the Audit Committee
  • Member of Sustainability and Risk Management Committee
  • Member of Corporate Governance Committee
55 yrs.
Appointment Date as the Director / Management
22 February 2018
No. of year being director
6 yrs.
  • Master of Laws, Thammasat University
  • Bachelor of Laws, Thammasat University
  • The Board’s Role in Mergers and Acquisitions (BMA) Class 6/2023 (IOD)
  • Financial Statements for Directors (FSD) Class 46/2022
  • Successful Formulation & Execution of Strategy (SFE) Class 36/2021 (IOD)
  • Graduate Diploma in Business Law, Thammasat University
  • Director Certification Program (DCP), Class 162, 2012
  • Director Diploma Examination, Class 36, 2013
Work Experiences
Position as Director / Executive in other listed companies in SET
2022 - Present
Independent Director/ Chairman of the Risk Management and Corporate Governance Committee / Member of the Audit Committee / Member of Nominationand Remuneration Committee Namwiwat Medical Corporation Pcl.
2021 - Present
Independent Director/ Chairman of the Audit Committee/ Chairman of the Corporate Governance and Risk Management Committee Sahacogen (Chonburi) Pcl.
2016 - Present
Independent Director/ Chairman of the Audit Committee Shera Pcl.
2016 - Present
Independent Director/ Member of the Audit Committee/ Chairman of Corporate Governance Committee Origin Property Pcl.
2016 - 2022
Independent Director/ Chairman of the Audit Committee Abatek (Asia) Pcl.
Position in other companies / businesses
2022 - Present
Independent Director Namwiwat Engineering (1992) Company Limited
2022 - Present
Independent Director Hydrogen Reit Management Company Limited
2021 - Present
Independent Director/ Chairman of the Audit Committee Chin Huay Pcl.
2020 - Present
Director ONE Law Office Limited
2020 - Present
Director ONE Law Club Limited
2018 - Present
Director O O One Branding Company Limited
2018 - Present
Director Choco toss Company Limited
2018 - Present
Director ToonTossakan Company Limited
2014 - Present
Director KHKP Company Limited
Position in competitive or related businesses to the company
  • None
Illegal Record in the past 5 years
  • None